Image: Anne Imhof, Angst, performed at Kunsthalle Basel, 2016. Photo: Nadine Fraczkowski / Kunsthalle Basel

The Foundation for Artists in Need (Stiftung für Künstlerinnen und Künstler in Not) was founded in 1943 by the benevolence of forward-thinking individuals to help visual artists in and from Basel in cases of need caused by exceptional life circumstances. And over the last decades alone it has helped countless eligible artists survive in moments of a personal health or welfare crisis. If you are in such a precarious situation and can demonstrate an urgent personal financial need, we welcome you to apply for financial support.

And if you can give to the Foundation for Artists in Need to help it to support local artists, we urge you to consider transferring a donation to the account below and draw attention to this foundation amongst your friends and in your social community. The foundation is a non-profit organization; donations are therefore deductible from your taxes as voluntary contributions. All income generated by the fundraising campaign will be passed on to artists in need.

Original bylaws of the foundation
“The Foundation for Artists in Need supports local artists or their relatives in case of illness, old age or involuntary unemployment. In the first instance, Basel citizens are to be considered, regardless of their place of residence, secondly, those who are Swiss citizens living in Basel, and exceptionally also foreign artists who have been long time residents of Basel.” («Die Stiftung für Künstlerinnen und Künstler in Not unterstützt hiesige Künstler oder ihre Angehörigen im Falle von Krankheit, Alter oder unverschuldeter Verdienstlosigkeit. In erster Linie sind zu berücksichtigen Basler Bürger, ohne Rücksicht auf ihren Wohnsitz; in zweiter Linie hier wohnende Schweizer Bürger, ausnahmsweise auch ausländische, seit längerer Zeit in Basel ansässige Künstler.»)

Donation account
Name: Basler Kunstverein – Stiftung für Künstler und Künstlerinnen in Not
IBAN: CH80 0877 5075 3640 0010 0

Only applications from visual artists who meet and can prove the above-mentioned conditions of the foundation’s purpose can be accepted. The application which explains the emergency situation must be accompanied by a bio, an art portfolio, and the tax assessment of the previous year in order to be able to assess the general asset situation and also to prevent abuse. Please note the foundation’s purpose was from the start explicitly focused on visual artists and on the local, so, unfortunately, no applications can be considered from those not demonstrating these eligibility requirements.

Please send the full application via email to . If you can’t send it via e-mail, you can also submit it by postal mail to the below address.

Board of Trustees
The Board of Trustees consists of Dominik Müller (Galerist, Chairman of the Board), Mohamed Almusibli (Director of Kunsthalle Basel) and Sophie Jung (Artist and Tutor).

Stiftung für Künstlerinnen und Künstler in Not
c/o Basler Kunstverein
Klostergasse 5
4051 Basel