Exhibition text and related events (PDF)
Press images
Sadie Benning ist nicht zu fassen, TagesWoche (02/2017)
Überleben im Schatten der Politik, Basellandschaftliche Zeitung (02/2017)
Die Kunsthalle Basel zeigt Bildobjekte von Sadie Benning, Badische Zeitung (02/2017)
Sadie Benning und ihre Rhythmussequenzen in der Kunsthalle, Radio X (02/2017)
Befragung der künstlerischen Medien und ihre Grenzen, Artinside (02/2017)
Gemeinsam anders sehen, ganzbasel.ch (03/2017)
Radical Painting mit Laubsäge und Smartphone, artline (03/2017)
The US-American artist Sadie Benning (b. 1973) brings together a body of new work that is somewhere between sculpture, painting, and photography. Each piece is built up from colored resin, mounted digital snapshots, found photographs, objects, shelf-like protrusions, and painted elements that reflect on American politics, lived experience, and the poetry of the everyday.
The exhibition Shared Eye is organized in collaboration with The Renaissance Society, Chicago, where a part of it was on view from November 19, 2016–January 22, 2017, curated by Solveig Øvstebø. Kunsthalle Basel and The Renaissance Society are co-publishing the artist’s first monograph, to be released later in 2017.