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Yuri Ancarani, Artforum (05/2018)
Yuri Ancarani in Basel, Filmexplorer (05/2018)
Videoausstellung «Sculture» in der Kunsthalle Basel, telebasel (04/2018)
Yuri Ancarani, Kunstbulletin (04/2018)
Der Eindringling, der Freitag (03/2018)
“Ich bin kein normaler Mensch, darum sind meine Filme nicht normal”, Radio X (02/2018)
Ob Zombie-Zeremonie, katarische Hochzeit oder Überdruckkammer: Künstler Yuri Ancarani kommt überall rein, bz Basel (02/2018)
I video di Yuri Ancarani in mostra alla Kunsthalle Basel. E c’è anche un inedito: Le immagini, Artribune (02/2018)
As the first exhibition to survey the filmic work of Yuri Ancarani (*1972), this panorama of the Italian artist’s output from 2010 to the present reveals the meticulous precision, distinctive aesthetics, and even sculptural depth to films that critically explore masculinity, labor, and social codes.