Regionale 24

Davor, danach und alles dazwischen

Valentine Cotte, On m’appelle cotte de maille, 2022–2023, installation view, in: Regionale 24, Davor, danach und alles dazwischen, Kunsthalle Basel, 2023, photo: Philipp Hänger/Kunsthalle Basel

Regionale 24, Davor, danach und alles dazwischen, Kunsthalle Basel, 2023, exhibition view, photo: Philipp Hänger / Kunsthalle Basel

Regionale 24, Davor, danach und alles dazwischen, Kunsthalle Basel, 2023, exhibition view, photo: Philipp Hänger / Kunsthalle Basel

Regionale 24, Davor, danach und alles dazwischen, Kunsthalle Basel, 2023, exhibition view, photo: Philipp Hänger / Kunsthalle Basel

Regionale 24, Davor, danach und alles dazwischen, Kunsthalle Basel, 2023, exhibition view, photo: Philipp Hänger / Kunsthalle Basel

Regionale 24, Davor, danach und alles dazwischen, Kunsthalle Basel, 2023, exhibition view, photo: Philipp Hänger / Kunsthalle Basel

Regionale 24, Davor, danach und alles dazwischen, Kunsthalle Basel, 2023, exhibition view, photo: Philipp Hänger / Kunsthalle Basel

Regionale 24, Davor, danach und alles dazwischen, Kunsthalle Basel, 2023, exhibition view, photo: Philipp Hänger / Kunsthalle Basel

Regionale 24, Davor, danach und alles dazwischen, Kunsthalle Basel, 2023, exhibition view, photo: Philipp Hänger / Kunsthalle Basel

 Exhibition text (English) (PDF)
 Exhibition text (French) (PDF)
Press images (ZIP)

Contemporary artists are often chroniclers, archaeologists, treasure hunters, and constructors of change – that of the past, the present, and the future. In their conceptual and material investigations, the oscillation between times can be of central importance, and temporality can come to light in different forms: in the material of everyday life, in the circulation of objects, in the constructions of existence, in the way memories and histories relate to each other, or even in stasis and anachronism. This exhibition explores fascinating revenants in the space and time continuum of contemporary art by means of 19 artistic positions from the three-country region around Basel. For this, a variety of artistic media such as photography, painting, performance, sculpture, and video are drawn upon to create a Davor, danach und alles dazwischen (German for: Before, After, and Everything in Between).

With Valentine Cotte, Laurie De Jesús Lagares, Neckar Doll, Franca Fay and Odilia Senn, Oleksandr Holiuk, Matthias Holznagel and Rafael Jörger, Sven Hoppler, Damien Juillard, Chiharu Koda, Aimée Le Briéro, Hojeong Lee, Luc Mattenberger, Martin Raub, Anaïs Strübin, Tyra Wigg, Linda Wunderlin, Janis Zeckai


Davor, danach und alles dazwischen is part of the Regionale 24 and is curated by Elena Filipovic and Renate Wagner.

Press clippings:
Kaffeefahrt in die Gegenwart, Badische Zeitung (12/2023)