➔ Exhibition text and related events (PDF)
➔ Press images (ZIP)
Raphaela Vogel, Twin (11/2018)
Shot to the Head, Mousse (06/2018)
Selbstbildnis mit Drohne, Badische Zeitung (06/2018)
Fiebrig-punkiges Kunsttheater, BAZ (05/2018)
Raphaela Vogel in der Kunsthalle Basel: Was für eine Wucht!, bz Basel (05/2018)
On the Rise, Artsy (04/2018)
Raphaela Vogel’s exhibition hosts impressive sculptural installations, mostly poised in precarious balance, often in combination with pulsating sound or videos that feature the artist herself (*1988). Her series of new works in this first solo exhibition outside the artist’s native Germany unfurls a world at once thrilling and dystopian.