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LuYang takes the human as the center point of an investigation that deploys the cultures of anime, Buddhism, digital technology, gaming, Indonesian dance rituals, neuroscience, and sci-fi to mine the mess (and magic) of the human condition. The resulting artworks are engrossing, fantastical, and sometimes grotesque techno-psychedelic videos, installations, and computer games that tackle topics of such magnitude as life, death, reincarnation, or even global destruction. For LuYang Vibratory Field at Kunsthalle Basel, the Shanghai-born artist’s first solo exhibition in Switzerland and one of the most comprehensive presentations of the artist’s production from the last decade, nearly every room will evoke a different cosmos spawned from the videos featured within them.
Press clippings:
Helden mit Nabelschnur-Peitsche, SZ (02/2023)
Tanz der Avatare, Badische Zeitung (02/2023)
Level-up: Mit dieser Kunst können Sie Gamen, bz Basel (02/2023)
Wenn süsse Roboter über das Leben philosophieren, SRF (01/2023)
Von der Bedeutung des Menschseins, Basel Live (01/2023)
LuYang: I feel free when I create to fuck up everything, Radio X (01/2023)
Virtuelle und reale Welt fliessen zusammen, SRF (01/2023)
Exceptional artist LuYang (01:06:57), ZDF (03/2023)
Frage nach der Conditio humana, taz (03/2023)
LuYang Vibratory Field, Kunstforum (03/2023)
Ausstellungstipp: LuYang Vibratory Field, 3sat Kulturzeit (04/2023)
Tempeltanz und Bodytracking, FAZ (04/2023)
Shiva-Roboter und medizinische Studien / LuYangs Kunst pusht das Gehirn zu Höchstleistungen, BaZ (05/2023)