Videogramme einer Revolution (1992)
Harun Farocki & Andrei Ujica
106 Miin.
With a lecture by Bogdan Ghiu
On the occasion of the exhibition Led R. Nanirok by Daniel Knorr Kunsthalle Basel presents Videogramme einer Revolution. The film analyzes the revolution in Romania from December 21 – 25, 1989 using images from the archive of the National TV station in Bucharest, which activists occupied for 120 hours.
In his introduction, the Romanian poet, essayist and cultural theoretician Bogdan Ghiu talks about the 20 years that have passed since the fall of communism, taking the revolution in connection with television as a starting point to reflect upon the possibilities and the impossibilities of arts and politics.
A former student of Jacques Derrida, Bogdan Ghiu is the author of some 16 books, among which the essays Ochiul de sticla: Texte privind televiziunea, 1991−1997 (The Grass Eye: Texts [While] Watching Television, 1991−1997), Grame (Grammes), Evul Media sau Omul terminal (Media Middle Ages or the Terminal Man), Facultatea de litere: Mic indreptar de gindire gresita (The Faculty of Writing: Small Guide to Erroneous Thought), Eu(l) Artistul: Viata dupa supravietuire: Cod de bare pentru viitorul monstrous al artei (I, the Artist: Life after Survival: Bar Code for Art’s Monstrous Future). He has received the Writers’ Union Prize and the Bucharest Writers’ Association Prize. He contributes texts to Luceafărul, the cultural portal and IDEA arts+society.
Location: STADTKINO BASEL (Klostergasse 5)
Admission: 12.-/For members of the Basler Kunstverein 6.-
Afterwards Bar